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The Campaign Song of ABC MART (2024)
The song was written as a commercial song to be aired on web commercial.
Hachi Yoshida was in charge of writing melody.
ABC MART GRAND STAGE 夏のキャンペーンCMソング「ランナーズハイ」
The theme of "Youchien" by Shougakukan (2020)
The song was written as a commercial song to be aired in TV commercial.
”Youchien” is a series of magazine by Syougakukan. Hachi Yoshida was in charge of writing lyrics, composing, arranging and singing.
小学館の雑誌「幼稚園」のTV CMソング
The theme of Yamamuraya (2019)
The song was written as a commercial song to be aired in movie theaters.
Hachi Yoshida was in charge of arranging and singing this song.
”やまむらや” 映画館CMソング
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